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  • Confraternity dress

    Confraternity M. SS. Addolorata - Archdiocese of Rossano-Cariati

    Corigliano Rossano (au Rossano) - CS

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    Confraternity dress - (Calabria)

    • Confraternity M. SS. Sorrowful

      Foundation year  1702

      City:  Corigliano Rossano (au Rossano)

      Archdiocese:  Rossano-Cariati

      Description: It is worn by the Confreres on the occasions of  Good Friday: the Congregas of the dawn and the procession of the Mysteries; in the meetings of the Confraternities: diocesan, regional and national; at Corpus Domini, on the Solemnity of the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, in some important celebration or when requested.
      La Mozzetta: it is a purplish-colored cape, with a hook at the end of the neck.
      White Coat: common for all Confraternities, with a cord around the sides.
      The last element that is worn over the dress is the Pettìno where a red heart is depicted pierced by a sword. They are of different color, shape and size to distinguish themselves from the Prior, Spiritual Assistant, Executive, Auditors and from all the Brothers. For the Prior and the Executive, the red heart is pierced by seven swords; that of the Spiritual Assistant is imprinted with an "M", the symbol of Mary Most Holy; the Aspirants and Supporters wear a high relief brass medal with the face of Our Lady of Sorrows.

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